Thursday, December 19, 2013

A little thief

Be….Strong :: Small Things ~ Mother Teresa Quote and Printable

The time is here to start thinking about the New Year, and what I'd like to see in it. I do feel like the New Year is a bit of a thief: people, myself included at times, seem to treat it as a clean slate, like a brand new beginning, a blank piece of paper, with no blotches on it. The truth is that in 2014 I will still have the same job, the same house, the same car, the same kids, husband, etc.  This isn't necessarily bad, those are good things to keep the same.  I will however still suffer from the same depression, the same big belly will hang around, my same desires and dislikes will most likely hang around.  On New Years Eve I will get off work at 6:00pm, get home, be tired.

I think the word new is what gets people is such a tizzy.  I am more than happy to let go of anything and everything that didn't serve me in 2013, however I know that will require more work on my part, work I wasn't willing to do this year.

If 2013 taught me anything is to be gentle and kind with myself. This is due to some incredible women I've surrounded myself with, both off line and on line (looking at you Joy sisters).  This has been the first year where I immersed myself into cultivating friendships.  Without even setting an intention to it, friendship became my driving force, my support, my sanity.  I still have a long way to go in the self care department, but a baby steps count.

Surrounding myself with all these incredible, smart, talented women has woken up a calling in me, to surround myself with women more often.  My first small step will be an e-course I'll offer in March.  Re-loved is dedicated to myself, and all the women a that have lost themselves somewhere in the hustle of the daily life.  

My guiding word for 2013 was SOLID, and I have to admit that it worked.  Whenever sh*t hit the fan, I'd whisper to myself "you're solid, you got this" and I'd be able to refocus.  

For 2014 I am going with a guiding phase, a phase that's been on my refrigerator for the past couple weeks, and it's been crawling into my soul any chance it gets:
"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies" Mother Teresa

Tomorrow I will share what my small things will be for 2014.

Today I am focusing on today.

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