Last night I felt like I couldn't think any more.
I asked my husband to deal with the kiddos and I went to bed.
This morning I woke up at 7:30 a.m. with the rest of the clan, and as soon as my husband took my daughter to school, my little guy and I went to bed until almost 10:00 a.m.
I was tired.
I literally felt like my brain couldn't think anymore last night.
Between too many episodes of Game of Thrones, staying up too late, thinking about the holidays, next year, next week, I think I just exhausted myself.
I stayed away from the internet today until just now.
I could not take another stimulation, another idea.
As great as the internet is in connecting people and showing what can be done with this and that, I think I want to see what my brain can come up with all on it's own.
I think for me comparison is the root of all evil, and copying another is just plain wrong.
I think looking for inspiration is great, but I think taking the time to re-write or re-see it in our own mind is key to sanity.
Do you ever feel like you need a break from the masses of the internet?
Do you ever feel like you can't think of anything on your own because your brain is clouded with ideas from others? Please share.
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